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Water levels of major rivers in Mongolia exceed alarm line

ULAN BATOR, July 23 (Xinhua) — Mongolia’s weather monitoring agency announced Tuesday a significant rise in the water levels of all major rivers caused by continuous heavy rainfall.
“The water levels in major rivers, including Eg, Beltes, Tuul, Yeruu, Onon, Kherlen, Selenge and Orkhon have exceeded the warning levels by 40 cm to 105 cm due to heavy downpours since last weekend,” the country’s National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring said in a statement.
Heavy rains have been hitting large parts of the Asian country since middle of July.
The agency warned residents living along the rivers to take all necessary precautions, while meteorologists forecast that short-term thunderstorms are expected over most parts of the country in the coming days. ■
